Sometimes Kafka Strimzi service does not reconcile.

Following are the scenarios to be considered if the Kafka-Strimizi or Kafka-Edge does not reconcile:
  • If the topic is created, but CR is not reconciled due to etcd issue, then after the etcd issue is resolved, you might have to restart the strimzi-cluster-operator, entity-operator, or edge-entity-operator by executing the following commands.
    kubectl get pods | egrep "strimzi-cluster-operator" | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kubectl delete pod
    kubectl get pods | egrep "internal-entity-operator" | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kubectl delete pod
    kubectl get pods -n kafka-edge | egrep "edge-entity-operator" | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n kafka-edge
  • If the topic is not created, you must restart the topic operator.
    For internal Kafka, run the following command.
    kubectl get pods | egrep "internal-entity-operator" | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kubectl delete pod
    For Edge Kafka, run the following command.
    kubectl get pods -n kafka-edge | egrep "edge-entity-operator" | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n kafka-edge
  • If the topic is created, but CR not reconciled, execute the following command:
    kubectl get kafkatopic
    NAME                                                      CLUSTER    PARTITIONS   REPLICATION FACTOR   READY
    vsa-alerts                                                internal   4            1                    
    vsa-alerts---57fba39f4d6436566c678036822b624a918e720f     internal   1            1                    True
    vsa-baseline                                              internal   1            1                    
    vsa-baseline---73960ad4f7a1fcf1fb6f1fff79846a8d1f4f496f   internal   1            1                    True

    In the output, vsa-alerts and vsa-baseline are not reconciled. Here the topic is created with default partition of 1 as seen in the output which might lead to a performance impact. However, there is no functional impact.

    The partition can be increased by editing the CR as follows.
    • For internal Kafka, execute the following command:
      kubectl edit kafkatopic vsa-alerts---57fba39f4d6436566c678036822b624a918e720f

      Change partition to 4.

    • For Edge Kafka, execute the following command:
      kubectl edit kafkatopic -n kafka-edge metrics-ext-data---2c3fd3a5b7407dddf679abdbf87726bfad6a4dad

      Change partition to 4.