vRAN objects have the following relationships:
  • CentralUnitControlPlane:
    • Controls with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • ContainedBy with gNodeB
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ComposedOf with NetworkFunction
  • CentralUnitUserPlane:
    • ComposedOf with NetworkFunction
    • ControledBy with CentralUnitControlPlane
    • Controls with DistributedUnit
    • ContainedBy with gNodeB
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • Container:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ContainedBy with KubernetesPod
  • NetworkFunction
    • PartOf with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • UsesService with KubernetesService
  • DistributedUnit:
    • ControledBy with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • ContainedBy with gNodeB
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ComposedOf with NetworkFunction
  • gNodeB:
    • Contains with CentralUnitControlPlane
    • Contains with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • Contains with DistributedUnit
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • KubernetesMaster:
    • Manages with KubernetesWorker
    • DiscoveredBy with VropsService
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • DeployedOn with VirtualMachine
  • KubernetesPod:
    • ContainedBy with KubernetesWorker
    • Contains with Container
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ReplicatedBy with KubernetesReplicaSet
    • Realizes with NetworkFunction
  • KubernetesReplicaSet:
    • Replicates with KubernetesPod
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • KubernetesService:
    • ServiceUsedBy with NetworkFunction
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ServesPod with KubernetesPod
  • KubernetesWorker:
    • Contains with KubernetesPod
    • DeployedOn with VirtualMachine
    • ManagedBy with KubernetesMaster
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • NetworkFunction
    • PartOf with CentralUnitControlPlane
    • PartOf with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • PartOf with DistributedUnit
    • MemberOf with InchargeDomain
    • UsesService with KubernetesService
  • NetworkSliceService
    • Contains with NetworkSliceSubnetService
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • MemberOf with ServiceOffering
  • NetworkSliceSubnetService
    • RealizedBy with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • RealizedBy wit DistributedUnit
    • ContainedBy with NetworkSliceService
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • CellSite
    • ContainedBy with CellSiteGroup
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
  • CellSiteGroup
    • Contains with CellSite
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain

Topology Map

The following represents the topology map for vRAN connectivity.

Network Slice Service vRAN Connectivity

Topology maps for vRAN Connectivity can show the topology from CUUP all the way to the Switch through the Virtual Machine and Host.