Network Configuration Manager Reporting offers a list of most used reports when you select NCM Dashboard. You can also create your own custom Reports and get report results customized for your own network and system.

NCM Dashboard

NCM Dashboard contains customers most needed information, providing you information and insight into your networks and systems.

In network or system, problems do occur. These reports assist you in making informed decisions and can be beneficial in helping you quickly resolve issues.


NCM Dashboard includes:
  • Dashboard Reports - These reports offer results for the Device Summary by Vendor and Device Class and Compliance Scorecard by Compliance Status and Severity for all the NCM devices. These include:
    • Device Summary Report
    • Compliance Scorecard Report
    For these reports network filter is available and data can be filtered based on the Network name.
    • The Device Summary dashboard displays the latest summary data of all NCM devices regardless of the time filter.
    • The data link is created to Device Details By Network report.
    • Network Filter displays all networks created in NCM. Networks with no devices discovered do not display any data.
    • The Device Class report shows Top10 listed Device Classes.
  • Inventory Reports - These reports offer results for Device Names, IPs, Status, OS Version, Device Type, Device Class, and Serial Number. These include:
    • Device Details By Network - For these reports, three filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Vendor, and Device Class.
      Note: Network Filter displays all networks created in NCM. Networks with no devices discovered does not display any data.
    • Device Details By Sites - For these reports, four filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Sites, Vendor, and Device Class.
      Note: Site filter displays all Sites created for a particular network. Sites with no devices do not display any data.
    • Device Details By Views - For these reports, four filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Views, Vendor, and Device Class.
      Note: View filter displays all Views created for a particular network. Views with no devices do not display any data.
    1. Filter is applied to Device Details Report (Network,View, and Site) based on selected Network, View, Site, Model, Type, Status, Device Class, and Vendor.
    2. Drilldown is provided to Change Detail report (Network, View, and Site) based on selected Device Name.
  • Change Reports – These reports offer results for Change Approvals, Hardware Changes, Devices with Cut-through and external Changes, and Configuration Changes. These include:
    • Change Detail By Network, Sites and Views
    • Device Change By Network, Sites and Views
    • Hardware Change By Network, Sites and Views
    For these reports multiple filters are available and data can be filtered based on Network, Sites, Views, User, and Configuration Unit.
    • The Change Reports dashboard displays the data for the time range selected in Absolute Time Range filter.
    • If none of the devices in NCM has config difference data, then Change reports can throw an error.
    • Drilldown is provided to Device Details (Network, View, and Site) report based on selected Device Name.
    • Drilldown is provided to Device Change report (Network, View, and Site) based on the selected Configuration Unit and Device.
  • Compliance Reports:
    • Device Compliance Reports - These reports offer report results for Device Compliance for All Devices, Compliance breakdown, and Compliance Summaries. This includes:
      • Device Compliance By Network, Sites and Views - For these reports, the data can be filtered based on Network, Sites, Views, and Compliance Status.
        • The Device Compliance dashboard displays the latest compliance status of all NCM - managed devices regardless of the time filter.
        • The data link is created to Policy Definition Report, Standard Definition Report, and Test Definition Report from Device Compliance Reports by clicking Policy, Standard, and Test.
        • The devices which are not audited by any policy are counted for device count in the Compliance Scorecard reports, but do not appear under Compliance Status report.
        • A filter is applied to Device Compliance Report (Network, View, and Site) based on selected Network, Compliance Status, Network, View, and Site.
      • Device Compliance Policy Detail Reports - These reports offer results for Policy Name with Path, Network, Device Name, Management IP, Compliance Status, State Number, Enforcement Date, and Severity. This includes:
        • Device Compliance Policy Detail By Network - For these reports, three filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Policy, and Compliance Status.
        • Device Compliance Policy Detail By Sites - For these reports, four filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Sites, Policy, and Compliance Status.
        • Device Compliance Policy Detail By Views - For these reports, four filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network, Views, Policy, and Compliance Status.
          • The Device Compliance Policy Detail Reports show an error, if none of the devices in NCM has Policy data.
          • The data link is created to Policy Definition Report from Device Compliance Policy Detail Reports by clicking on Policy.
          • A filter is applied to Device Compliance Policy Detail Report (Network, View, and Site) based on selected Network, Compliance Status, Network, View, and Site.
  • System Reports:
    • Policy Definition Report - This report offers results for Policy Definition Reports. These details include Policy Name, Network Name, Enforcement Areas, Keywords, System-Wide, Auto Schedule, and so on. For this report, the data can be filtered based on Network and Policy.
    • Standard Definition Report - This report offers results for Standard Definition Reports. These details include Standard Name, Policy Name, Network, Keywords, System-Wide, Device Classes, Filter Expression, and so on. For this report, the data can be filtered based on Standard, Policy, and Network.
    • Test Definition Report - This report offers results for the Test Definition Reports. These details include Test Name, Standard Name, Network, Description, Steps, Keywords, and so on. For this report, the data can be filtered based on Test, Standard, and Network.
  • Operational Reports
    • Job Details Report - This report offers results for Job Details within the network, including a jobs summary, such as its number, name, priority, status, owner, approver, and other relevant details. Users can filter the data for this report based on various criteria, including Network, Priority, Status, Type, Owner, and Approver.
      Note: A data link is created to Job Details report from Change Detail report by clicking on the job number.
  • Problem Reports
    • Devices with Duplicate Interface IP Addresses - These reports offer results for Duplicate Interface IPs, Device Names, Networks, Interfaces, and Technology types. These include:
      Note: A data link is created from Problem Report to Device details report by clicking on the device name.
      • Devices with Duplicate Interface IP Addresses By Network - For these reports, data can be filtered based on Network.
        Note: Network Filter displays all networks created in NCM. Networks with no devices discovered do not display any data.
      • Devices with Duplicate Interface IP Addresses By Sites - For these reports, two filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network and Sites.
        Note: Site filter displays all Sites created for a particular network. Sites with no devices do not display any data.
      • Devices with Duplicate Interface IP Addresses By Views - For these reports, two filters are available, and data can be filtered based on Network and Views.
        • The view filter displays all Views created for a particular network. Views with no devices do not display any data.
      Note: The containerized NCM reports without Network, View, or Site may display an error.