The topology section provides information on specific classes, attributes, relationships, and events related to BIM.

Topology Objects

The Server Manager builds a topology of the BIM. The topology objects represent the BIM
  • BusinesssProcess: A subclass of ServiceOffering. A BusinessProcess represents functions and operations that support internal business activities and/or other processes. In the manufacturing sector, BusinessProcess elements include Order Processing, Production Planning, Purchasing and Receiving, Inventory Management, Production Control, and Accounts Payable and Receivable. In addition to the relationships inherited from ServiceOffering, a BusinessProcess can also participate in the Serves/ServedBy relationship set with other BusinessProcess elements. Serves/ServedBy models the dependencies between business processes.
  • BusinessUnit: A subclass of ServiceSubscriber that consumes services provided by a ServiceOffering. Within an Organization, a BusinessUnit represents a semi-autonomous division that engages in one or more lines of business. Typically, BusinessUnit elements focus on specific product markets in the computer industry. For example, hardware or software products and/or geographical areas (for example, the Eastern Region of the U.S., Europe, or the South Pacific and Asia).
  • Department: A subclass of ServiceSubscriber that consumes services provided by a ServiceOffering. Within a BusinessUnit or LOB, a Department represents a group that engages in business functions which support the BusinessUnit or LOB. Two very common, yet vital Department elements include Human Resources and Accounting.
  • Organization: A subclass of ServiceSubscriber that consumes services provided by a ServiceOffering. An Organization represents a business enterprise comprised of one or more business units that engage in one or more lines of business. Organization elements include, for example, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, financial institutions, and utilities and service providers.
  • LOB: A subclass of ServiceSubscriber that consumes services provided by a ServiceOffering. Within a BusinessUnit, a LOB represents a division that focuses on specific product markets. In the insurance industry, LOB elements include, for example, general homeowner policies, fire coverage, and flood insurance. LOB elements can be further categorized as commercial lines for businesses and personal lines for individuals.
  • ServiceOffering: A ServiceOffering represents a business service delivered to a set of subscribers. The ServiceOffering is related to its subscribers through the Subscribers relationship. It is also related to the infrastructure elements that implement the offering through the ConsistsOf relationship.
  • ServiceSubscriber: A ServiceSubscriber is a consumer of services provided through a ServiceOffering.
The following table provides a list of BIM classes, key attributes, relationships, and events.
Class Key Relationship
  • ConsistsOf::ServiceOffering
  • ComposedOf::LOB
  • PartOf::Organization
  • PartOf::LOB
  • PartOf::BusinessUnit
  • ComposedOf::Department
  • ComposedOf::BusinessUnit
  • PartOf::Customer
  • MemberOf::BusinessProcess
  • ConsistsOf::NetworkSliceService
  • ConsistsOf::NetworkFunction
  • Subscribers::ServiceSubscriber
  • ComposedOf::Customer
  • Subscriptions::ServiceOffering