This topic provides instructions to configure Domain Settings for OI Server.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Domain Settings.
  2. Click Add.
    Add Domain Settings page is displayed.
  3. Configure Domain Settings with Domain Manager as INCHARGE-OI. Enter the parameters as listed in the following table.
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name of the Domain Setting Provide a name for the Domain Setting. NA
    Broker Host Select the broker IP for the Data Collection Framework Setting.
    Domain Manager Select the domain manager as INCHARGE-OIfrom the drop-down menu. NA
    Domain Credential Select the domain credential from the drop-down menu. defaultSmartsDomainCredential
    Poll Timeout Provide the poll timeout value for the Kafka Access Setting. 30
    Session Timeout Provide the session timeout for the Kafka Access Setting. 10
    Kafka Request Timeout Provide the request timeout value for the Kafka Access Setting. 15
    High Water Mark Provide the high water mark value for the Kafka Access Setting. 0
    Low Water Mark Provide the low water mark value for the Kafka Access Setting. 0
    Log Level Select an option for the log level. ERR
    Kafka Log Level Select an option for the Kafka log level. ERROR
    Poll Interval Provide the poll interval value for the Data Collection Framework Setting. 240
    Request Retry Provide the request retry value for the Data Collection Framework Setting. 2
    Response Timeout Provide the response timeout value for the Data Collection Framework Setting. 200
    DomainSetting-OI DomainSetting-OI
  4. Click Save. To edit or delete a particular Domain Setting, select the Domain Setting, right-click, and select Edit or Delete.