In this topic, you can find steps to instantiate the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance CNF with the Demo footprint.

Instantiate tcsa CNF (VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance CNF)

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Network Function.
  2. Select tcsa CNF. click against the vertical ellipsis (⋮) and click Instantiate.
  3. Under Inventory Detail, enter Name and select the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload cluster on which you want to deploy it.DemoInventoryDetail
  4. Under Helm Charts, select the Namespace as default and Repository URL as <oci://<registryRootUrl>>, and click Next.
    Note: Use the same value which was provided for --registry parameter during the Push artifacts command. DemoHelmCharts
  5. Under Network Function Properties, click Next.DemoNetworkFunctionProperties
  6. In the Inputs section, update the following parameters:
    1. Set registryRootUrl to the same value as the --registry-url parameter of the installer script in the Push Artifacts to Registry topic.
    2. Set dashboardAccess.ip to the virtual IP of VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance workload cluster.
    3. Set dashboardAccess.type as NodePort.
    4. Set footprint as demo.
    5. (Optional) Set edgeServicesStaticAccessIp to the IP address to use in case you want to access the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI or Edge Kafka.
    6. Set statusChecker.enabled to disabled state if it is enabled. The default value is disabled.
      Note: The statusChecker.enabled parameter is disabled in VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance because VMware Telco Cloud Automation does not support CNF timeouts.
  7. Under Review, click Next.DemoReview
  8. Click Instantiate.
  9. Once the Instantiation is successful, check the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance deployment status by running the following command from deployment VM:
    root [ ~/upgrade/tcx-deployer/scripts ]# kubectl get tcxproduct
    root [ ~/upgrade/tcx-deployer/scripts ]# kubectl get apps
    For all the apps, the reconciliation status must be successful.
    root [ ~/upgrade/tcx-deployer/scripts ]# kubectl get tcxproduct
    NAME   STATUS            READY   MESSAGE                               AGE
    tcsa   updateCompleted   True    All App CRs reconciled successfully   30h
    Note: After successful deployment, you can launch the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI. For more information, see Accessing VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI topic.