Configure the values.yaml file available in $TCSA_WORK_SPACE/tcx-deployer/product-helm-charts/tcsa.

root [ ~ ]# cd $TCSA_WORK_SPACE/tcx-deployer/product-helm-charts/tcsa
root [ ~/base/tcx-deployer/product-helm-charts/tcsa ]# vi values.yaml
Update the required parameters in the values.yaml file.
  • Set Harbor registry URL.
    # Default values for tcsa.
    # This is a YAML-formatted file.
    # Customize your TCSA deployment here by configuring the parameters that are exposed.
    # Uncomment the relevant lines and configure them according to your environment.
    # (string) registryRootUrl is the FQDN of the registry that has the artifacts.
    registryRootUrl: <harbor-registry-fqdn>/<project-name>
  • Set the footprint value.
    # (string) footprint is the number of devices monitored by TCSA.
    footprint: demo
    Note: The Demo configuration does not support the flexibleConfig parameter.
  • For dashboardAccess, set the ip with the IP address of your cluster and type as NodePort.
      # (string) The IP address for accessing the dashboard. If using a static pre-allocated IP, set this property on Day 0 (fresh deployment). If using a dynamically allocated IP, set this on Day 1 (post deployment)
      ip: <ClusterIP>
      # Can be either NodePort or LoadBalancer. Defaults to NodePort for TKG and LoadBalancer for Azure/AWS. 
      type: <NodePort>
    Note: Configure dashboardAccess with hostname/FQDN if you want to access the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance using hostname/FQDN instead of the IP address.
  • Set edgeServicesAccessIp parameter with the IP address used to access Edge Kafka.
    # (string) Set edgeServicesAccessIp to the IP address to be used to access kafka-edge. Leave empty for EKS public networks.
    edgeServicesAccessIp: <ClusterIP>
  • Set privateNetwork to false.
    # ----IaaS configuration----
    # (bool) privateNetwork indicates if TCSA is being deployed on a private EKS or AKS network
    privateNetwork: false
  • Set cloud provider as tkg for deploying VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance on TKG.
    # (string) cloud indicates the cloud/K8s provider. Valid values are "tkg", "aws", "azure" and "on-prem"
    cloud: tkg