This section provides information on the root cause and impact analysis for newly introduced classes on top existing ones, in IP Availability and Performance Manager.

The table Events Introduced for Cisco ACI illustrates the class, event, and the description of events.

Table 1. Events Introduced for Cisco ACI
Class Event Description
ControlCluster AtRisk

Indicates that the number of functioning ControllerNode components is below the AtRiskThreshold.

ReducedRedundancy Indicates at least one ControllerNode component is not functioning but the total number of functioning components is above AtRiskThreshold.
Down Cluster is down.
ControllerNode Down Indicates that ControllerNode is down.
EndPointGroup EPGImpacted EPGImpacted event is generated when a virtual machine, part of an EndPointGroup is powered off or unreachable.
Tenant TenantImpacted TenantImpacted event is generated when a virtual machine, part of an EndPointGroup owned by a Tenant is powered off or unreachable.

The Table RCA Introduced for Cisco ACI provides the details about the class, RCA event, impacted class, and the events.

Table 2. RCA Introduced for Cisco ACI
Class RCA Event Impacted Class Events
ControllerNode APIServerDown ControlCluster AtRisk/ReducedRedundancy/ Down