The installation directory structure is shown in the Installation directory structure figure. All products use the same basic installation directory structure.

In the nstallation directory structure, notice that:

  • BASEDIR, which is not an environment variable, is used in documentation to represent the top-level directory structure of the product software installation.

    For RHEL/CentOS, this location is /opt/InCharge/<product>.

    BASEDIR represents:

    • For IP Manager<installation_root_directory>/IP
    • For Service Assurance Manager<installation_root_directory>/SAM
    • For Server Manager<installation_root_directory>/ESM
    • For MPLS Management Suite<installation_root_directory>/MPLS
    • For Network Protocol Management Suite<installation_root_directory>/NPM
  • The sm_edit utility ensures that modified files are always saved to the appropriate local area and that base (original) copies of the files remain unchanged. Appendix A, “The sm_edit utility,” provides additional information.

    The System Administration Guide provides detailed information about the directory structure for the software and the sm_edit utility.