In this section, you can find information on how to add a new report.


  1. Go to https://<Telcocloud serviceassurance-ui-IP.
    A typical URL for logging in to the user interface from the same system on which VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is installed is, https://10.x.x.x.
  2. Enter username and password.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Dashboards & Reports.
    The Grafana homepage appears.
  5. Select Dashboards.
  6. From the New drop-down menu, select New Dashboard.
  7. Select Add panel and click Add a new panel.
  8. Select a widget from the list.
  9. Select data source as TCA-RESULTS and Pipeline schema attributes as Metric or Group By.
    Note: Ensure that the property with .keyword is selected.
  10. Set the Panel properties.