This chapter introduces the Polling and Thresholds Console, defines groups and settings, and provides instructions on using the Polling and Thresholds Console to work with groups and settings.
What to read next
Opening the Polling and Thresholds Console The Polling and Thresholds Console is used to display groups and modify their properties. this section describes about the procedure of opening Polling and Threshold Console.
Understanding Groups and Settings A group contains one or more settings, and a setting contains one or more parameters.
Enhanced trace control The Application Connectivity Monitor version 10.1, introduces new attributes to control logging of debug messages. The parameters are boolean values that indicate the request to trace the invoked PerlScript. The output of the trace is stored in a logs directory.
Working with groups and settings
Default threshold groups and settings This section describes the default threshold groups included with the Application Connectivity Monitor and the settings that can be applied to each threshold group.
Default polling groups and settings This section describes the default polling groups included with Application Connectivity Monitor and the settings that can be applied to each polling group.
Configuring custom actions using the Polling and Thresholds console To enable custom monitoring action, you have to make additional configuration in the Polling and Thresholds console. The IntegrationAccessor (IA) uses the polling group information to invoke the custom scripts. It invokes MonitoringActions registered to Application Connectivity Monitor version 10.1 using one of the MonitoringAction_Interface.