System name matching patterns limit the discovery of applications to selected systems in the topology of the ACM Domain Manager. This can be important for large networks with many systems.

To specify system name patterns:


  1. Click the Application Signature tab.
  2. Type a new application signature or select an existing signature from the list at the top of the tab.
  3. Click the Customize button located next to the System Name or IP Pattern field.
  4. The Customize System Match Pattern dialog box displays.This displays a dialog box that provides two mutually exclusive options:
    • Use all system matched by pattern
    • Use only selected systems

    Figure Customize System Match Pattern dialog box illustrates the dialog box.

    Figure 1. Customize System Match Pattern dialog box
    Note: If you do not specify patterns, the default for System Name or IP Pattern is “*”. The system will discover applications on all systems added to the ACM Domain Manager’s topology.
  5. Type the system names pattern in the Specify System names pattern field. (The example in the figure shows the system names pattern default “*”. The Wildcards Used by Smarts Software contains additional information about matching patterns and the use of wildcard characters in patterns.
  6. Select the Use all systems matched by pattern option.
    The list in the dialog box is updated with the systems that match the applied system names pattern. You cannot select individual systems from the list.
  7. Click the OK button.
    The system names pattern is displayed in the System Name or IP Pattern field in the Application Signature tab.