Discovery is broken into two phases: physical and logical. For physical discovery, there is a direct correlation between Alcatel-Lucent database objects and the Smarts topology elements to which they are mapped. Logical discovery is more complex, because the Adapter must query multiple Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS database structures in order to determine the logical relationships.
The Adapter discovers the following topology elements:
Physical topology—Routers, Switches, BaseCards, DaughterCards, Chassis, IPs, Network Connections, IPNetworks, MACs, and Interfaces
Logical topology:
IP Availability Manager—NetworkAdapterRedundancyGroups (from Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS Link Aggregation Groups)
MPLS—VPLS, VLLs, GREs, LDPs, VPNs, VRFs, MPLSServices, LSPs, LSPHops, and ForwarderEndpoints
NPM-BGP—Confederation, AutonomousSystem, BGPProtocolEndpoint, BGPSession, BGPService, BGPCluster
NPM-OSPF—OSPFArea, OSPFAreaConfiguration, OSPFService, OSPFNetwork, OSPFNeighborEndpoint, OSPFVirtualNeighborEndpoint, OSPFInterface, OSPFVirtualInterface, OSPFNeighborRelationship, OSPFVirtualLink
NPM-ISIS—ISISAdjacency, ISISArea, ISISInterface, ISISNeighborEndpoint, ISISNetwork, ISISService
Multicast—IGMPInterface, IGMPNetwork, MulticastGroup, MulticastService, MulticastSource, MulticastTree, PIMInterface, PIMStarG, PIMSourceG, PIMHop
The Adapter instantiates physical topology into the IP Availability Manager, physical and logical topology into the MPLS Manager, the NPM Managers (BGP, OSPF, and IS-IS), and the Multicast Manager.
For detailed information about the mapping and filtering of 5620 SAM EMS elements to Smarts objects, the following appendices are available:
“Mapping of SAM-O Objects and Smarts Notifications” on page 111