The Adapter for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS provides the following new features:

  • Adapter for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS is now supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.6. The base installer name is setup-ASAM-3_5_0_0-linux64.bin.


    There is one installer for RHEL 6.9/6.10, RHEL 7.5, and RHEL 7.6 . The Adapter for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS Version 3.4.0.X Patch Readme provides more information.

  • Support for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) EMS server version 17.9 is available on adapters and higher. Supported versions of the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service SAM EMS server are 17.9 to 19.6.

  • Support for Alcatel-Lucent 7250 switches

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent 7250 switch physical components.

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent 7250 VPLS elements in unqualified mode.

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent 7250 VPLS elements in qualified mode (including discovery of VLANs at the VPLS endpoint).

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent 7250 switch VLAN elements in VLAN mode.

    • Associate VLANs on the 7250 switches with VPLS on other devices (7450s, 7750s, and so on).

    • Create Cables for 7250 switches when physical links are manually configured in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM.

    • Create NetworkConnections for 7250 switches when 30-bit or 31-bit subnets are used on a 7250.


      Although some 7250 switches support OSPF, the 5620 SAM EMS does not retrieve OSPF information from the 7250 devices. As a result, the Adapter cannot build Cables or NetworkConnections based on the OSPF neighbors. Additionally, 7250 switches do not support LLDP. As a result, NetworkConnections can only be built for 7250s when 30-bit or 31-bit subnets are used on a 7250.

  • Support for Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch, including the following:

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch physical components.

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch VLAN elements in TLS mode.

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch VLAN elements in BTV mode.

    • Associate VLANs on the OmniSwitches with VPLS on other devices (7450s, 7750s, and so on.)

    • Create Cables via interfaces between OmniSwitches when physical links are manually configured in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM.

    • Create Cables between OmniSwitches when LLDP is configured in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM that builds the physical links.

    • Create Cables between OmniSwitches and non-Omni devices when LLDP is supported and enabled in those non-Omni devices. Since 5620 SAM EMS Release 7.0/R1, LLDP is supported in 7450s, 7750s, and 7710s.

  • Support for Alcatel-Lucent 7210 SAS-E, including the following:

    • Discover and monitor Alcatel-Lucent 7210 switch physical components.

    • Create Cables for 7210 switches when physical links are manually configured in the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM.

    • Create NetworkConnections for 7210 switches when 30-bit or 31-bit subnets are used on a 7210

  • Support for 7210-SAS-Sx Satellite device discovery on 7750 SRs.
  • Support for CMG-a8 devices.
  • Support for VPRN IPsec interfaces.
  • The Adapter for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS interoperates with Smarts IP Manager Versions 9.4.2 through 10.1.0. When deploying new versions of both products, you now need to add the IP domain as a source to MPLS, NPM, and MCAST domains if they are included in your network. “Configuring the Adapter Deployment” provides more information.