The sections that follow describe key attributes, diagnosed problems, generated exceptions, detected events, and faults for the following categories of network object types in the IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager data model:

  • Systems

    Represent computer-based entities. Examples of systems are Switch, Router, Hub, Bridge, and Host.

  • Physical packages

    Represent physical objects that contain or host other components. Physical packages include Card, Chassis, and Rack.

  • Network adapters

    A network adapter represents a Layer 2 connection point. Network adapters include Port and Interface.

  • Device connections

    A device connection represents the path between a pair of network adapters. Device connections include Cable, TrunkCable, and NetworkConnection.

  • Service access points

    A service access point describes a logical endpoint that can be used to gain access to some network service. Examples of protocol endpoints are IP, IPv6, HSRPEndpoint, VRRPEndpoint, EVCEndPoints and MAC.


    Service access points are often described as protocol endpoints.

  • Logical links

    A logical link models the path that connects service access points to each other. Examples of logical links are IPNetwork, IPv6Network, and VLAN.

  • Collections

    A collection represents a group of managed objects. Collections include Partition.

  • Management agents

    A management agent is a logical object that contains the information necessary to represent, configure, or manage some functionality provided by a system or software feature. Management agents include SNMPAgent and VRAgent.

  • Redundancy groups

    A redundancy group is a logical object that contains two or more objects that participate in a redundant configuration. Examples of redundancy groups are CardRedundancyGroup, HSRPGroup, VRRPGroup, and SystemRedundancyGroup.

  • Logical devices

    A logical device is an emulation of a hardware entity that might or might not be realized in physical hardware. Logical devices include:

    • Processor

    • Memory

    • Disk

    • FileSystem

    • PowerSupply

    • VoltageSensor

    • TemperatureSensor

    • Fan

      IP Performance Manager also instantiates device connection, collection, management agent, and redundancy group object types, but because IP Performance Manager does no analysis for these object types, they are not discussed here. Appendix A, "ECIM Instrumentation Class," in the Smarts IP Management Suite Discovery Guide describes all of the object types instantiated by IP Performance Manager.

      The Smarts IP Management Suite Discovery Guide describes all of the object types that are instantiated by IP Availability Manager.

      All of the object types instantiated by IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager are available to a Global Console attached to IP Availability Manager and IP Performance Manager, and a subset are available to a Global Console attached to the Global Manager. “Network topology” on page 32 provides a list of the object types imported by the Global Manager.