You can save a console to one of the following locations on the host where the Global Manager is running:
Use BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles for all users.
Use BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles/<user> for a specific user.
Use BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles/<user_profile> for all users assigned a specific user profile.
Note:The BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles/<user_profile> directory must be manually created by the administrator.
When a console is saved by selecting File > Save As > Save Remote As, the console is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles/<USER> directory, where <USER> is the Smarts username. Users cannot see or open the consoles saved in another user’s directory unless it is manually copied into:
Their own console directory.
The BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles directory.
The BASEDIR/smarts/local/consoles/<user_profile> directory that corresponds to the user profile associated with their username.