A MulticastTree is the end-to-end connection pertaining to a specific multicast group that originates at multicast sources and terminates at the receiving IGMP receiving networks. The traffic sent over a multicast tree may originate from multiple sources. A multicast tree represents the distribution tree for a multicast group. The branches of the tree are represented by instances of class PIMHop.
Attributes for MulticastTree
Attribute | Description | Allowed values |
GroupAddress | The Multicast group IP address for this path. | String: IpAddress, an application-widetype representing an IPv4 internet address |
HopCount | The number of PIM hops being sent to in this tree. | Integer |
IGMPNetworkCount | The number of receiving IGMP networks. | Integer |
ReceivingSystemsCount | The number of receiving Unitary Computer Systems. | Integer |