The following is the sample of the report when the tool is run without specifying a running server in the command line:

Version: IP.
These files have been modified in the installation: 
These files have been introduced in the installation: 
The following changes were made to some special configuration files: 
File: C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/local/conf/discovery/discovery.conf
  Attribute Name : MetroEthernetEnabled
    Current Value  : TRUE
    Default Value  : FALSE
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : defaultTimeout
    Current Value  : 2000
    Default Value  : 1000
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : defaultRetries
    Current Value  : 8
    Default Value  : 5
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : defaultSNMPAutoRetries
    Current Value  : 4
    Default Value  : 3
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : DiscoveryAddrPref
    Current Value  : "IPV4FIRST_IPV6NEXT"
    Default Value  : "IPV6FIRST_IPV4NEXT"
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : numberProbeThreads
    Current Value  : 15
    Default Value  : 10
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : LicenseThresholdPercentage
    Current Value  : 40
    Default Value  : 90
    Comment        : Modified
File: C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/local/conf/discovery/name-resolver.conf
  Attribute Name : NameFormat
    Current Value  : "TM_USESEEDNAME"
    Default Value  : "TM_USEAUTONAME"
    Comment        : Modified
    Current Value  : 3
    Default Value  : 4
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : TM_USEPRIVATEIP
    Current Value  : 4
    Default Value  : 3
    Comment        : Modified
File: C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/local/conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf
  Attribute Name : maxOIDsPerPacketForASNMP
    Current Value  : 15
    Default Value  : 19
    Comment        : Modified
  Attribute Name : GetBulkPattern-.
    Current Value  : TRUE
    Default Value  : 
    Comment        : Newly added
  Attribute Name : GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-.
    Current Value  : 1.5
    Default Value  : 
    Comment        : Newly added
  Attribute Name : GetBulkTimeoutOverrideRatio-.
    Current Value  : 2.5
    Default Value  : 
    Comment        : Newly added
  Attribute Name : IFTypePatternIFExt.
    Current Value  : 
    Default Value  : 39|53|1
    Comment        : Removed
  Attribute Name : IFTypePattern-SwitchPort.
    Current Value  : 
    Default Value  : 37
    Comment        : Removed
The following are two way text differences:
<--- C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/conf/discovery/discovery.conf --->
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 54 to 54 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
defaultRetries = 5 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 54 to 54 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
defaultRetries = 8 
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 61 to 61 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
defaultTimeout = 1000
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 61 to 61 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
defaultTimeout = 2000
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 82 to 82 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
defaultSNMPAutoRetries = 3 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 82 to 82 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
defaultSNMPAutoRetries = 4 
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 97 to 97 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
numberProbeThreads = 10
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 97 to 97 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
numberProbeThreads = 15
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 280 to 280 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
DiscoveryAddrPref =  "IPV6FIRST_IPV4NEXT"
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 280 to 280 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
DiscoveryAddrPref =  "IPV4FIRST_IPV6NEXT"
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 287 to 287 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
MetroEthernetEnabled = FALSE
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 287 to 287 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
MetroEthernetEnabled = TRUE
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 290 to 290 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LicenseThresholdPercentage = 90 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 290 to 290 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
LicenseThresholdPercentage = 40 
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<--C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/conf/discovery/name-resolver.conf -->
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 19 to 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#NameFormat = "TM_USESEEDNAME"
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 18 to 19 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#NameFormat = "TM_USEAUTONAME"
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 30 to 29 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 29 to 30 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 12369 to 12370 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 12370 to 12384 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
. {
TYPE = Firewall
VENDOR = Cisco
MODEL = ciscoASA5580sc
CONT = Cisco-Entity
HEALTH = Cisco-Entity
CPU/Memory = CiscoRouter:DeviceID
Interface-Fault = MIB2
Interface-Performance = MIB2
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<--C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/conf/discovery/oid2type_Misc.conf -->
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 8816 to 8806 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
. {
TYPE = Firewall
VENDOR = TippingPoint
MODEL = TippingPointIPS
CONT = MIB2-IfStack
Interface-Fault           = MIB2
Interface-Performance     = MIB2
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 8806 to 8816 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#. {
# TYPE = Firewall
# VENDOR = TippingPoint
# MODEL = TippingPointIPS
# CONT = MIB2-IfStack
# Interface-Fault           = MIB2
# Interface-Performance     = MIB2
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<--C:/InCharge/IP/smarts/conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf --->
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 40 to 40 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
IFTypePatternIFExt. 39|53|1
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 40 to 40 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#IFTypePatternIFExt. 39|53|1
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 125 to 125 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
IFTypePattern-SwitchPort. 37
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 125 to 125 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#IFTypePattern-SwitchPort. 37
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 554 to 554 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#GetBulkPattern-. TRUE
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 554 to 554 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GetBulkPattern-. TRUE
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 565 to 565 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#GetBulkTimeoutOverrideRatio-. 2.5
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 565 to 565 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GetBulkTimeoutOverrideRatio-. 2.5
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 576 to 576 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-. 1.5
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 576 to 576 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
GetBulkRetriesOverrideRatio-. 1.5
<=============== End Difference ===============>
<============== Start Difference ==============>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Base File Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From line: 582 to 582 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
maxOIDsPerPacketForASNMP 19
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local File Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From line: 582 to 582 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
maxOIDsPerPacketForASNMP 15
<=============== End Difference ===============>