This section helps you in creating a new Dashboard.


  1. Go to https://<Telcocloud serviceassurance-ui-IP.
    A typical URL for logging in to the user interface from the same system on which VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is installed is, https://10.x.x.x.
  2. Enter username and password.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Dashboards & Reports.
    The Grafana homepage appears.

  5. On the Grafana homepage, click the + icon.
  6. Click New Dashboard.
  7. Click Add Visualization.
  8. In the Select Data Source search box type and select the data source. For example, Network-Interface.
  9. Click the Visualizations tab and select a vizualization type.
  10. In the Query field, define the query as required. For example, Lucene.
  11. In the Metric field, select the required metrics. For example, CurrentUtilization.
  12. In the Group by field, select the required parameters. For example, Date Histogram, @timestamp, and Interval: auto.
  13. On the right pane, in the Panel Options section, enter the panel title, description, and other required fields.
  14. Click Save.
    The Save Dashboard dialog window appears.
  15. In the Title field, enter a name for the dashboard.
  16. In the Description field, enter a description for the dashboard.
  17. From the Dashboards drop-down menu, select a dashboard to save the report.
  18. Click Save, to save the report to the dashboard.
    The dashboard is created.