The connection pool configuration enables efficient use of database connection, and improves application performance and scalability.
- Toggle Conncetion Pooling to ON, and provide the following details:
- Provide a list of space separated authentication types of connections that may be pooled in Connection Pooling Authentication.
- Provide a string that indicates the level of debug output in Connection Pool Debug Level.
- Provide an integer number of connections per connection identity in Connection Pool Initial Size.
- Provide an integer that represents the maximum number of connections per connection identity that can be maintained concurrently in Connection Pool Maximum Size.
- Provide an integer that represents the maximum number of connections per connection identity that can be maintained concurrently in Connection Pool Preferred Size.
- Provide a list of space separated protocol types of connections that may be pooled in Connection Pool Protocol.
- Provide an integer that represents the number milliseconds that an ideal connection may remain in the pool in Connection Pool Timeout .
- Click Next.
What to do next
Add Kerberos authentication settings. This is an optional step.