In case, you do not have internet connectivity from the cluster VMs, use the following DarkSite deployment procedure to install VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance. If the internet access is not available from the Cluster Nodes and the PODs on which VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is deployed, then it constitutes a DarkSite.
- Ensure that you have a jump host that has Internet connectivity. The preferred VM is Linux x86/64 bit.
- Make sure that the control plane nodes have connectivity to the configured VMware vCenter and the DNS IP.
- The jump host must be able to securely copy files to the deployment host.
- Download the K8s Installer from the My Downloads on to the Jump Host and then copy them over to the deployment host. The package is named as
. For example, VMware-K8s-Installer-2.3.2-808.tar.gz
Note: To verify the downloaded package, run the following command on your deployment host.
$ sha256sum VMware-K8s-Installer-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz
This command displays the SHA256 fingerprint of the file. Compare this string with the SHA256 fingerprint provided next to the file in the
My Downloads site and ensure that they match.
- Transfer the tar file to the deployment host and load the file to the local registry.
scp -r <dir/on/jump_host/VMware-K8s-Installer-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz> <username_deployment host>@<Deployment_Host_IP>:<dir/on/deployment_host>
- Download the deployment container image bundle from My Downloads on to the jump host under the home directory. The package is named as
. For example, VMware-Deployment-Container-2.4.2-497.tar.gz
Note: To verify the downloaded package, run the following command on your deployment host.
$ sha256sum VMware-Deployment-Container-<VERSION>-<BUILD_ID>.tar.gz
This command displays the SHA256 fingerprint of the file. Compare this string with the SHA256 fingerprint provided next to the file in the
My Downloads site and ensure that they match.
- Transfer the tar file to the deployment host and load the file to the local registry.
scp -r <dir/on/jump_host/VMware-Deployment-Container-2.4.2-497.tar.gz> <username_deployment host>@<Deployment_Host_IP>:<dir/on/deployment_host>
# On deployment host
$ docker load -i <dir/on/deployment host>/VMware-Deployment-Container-2.4.2-497.tar.gz
Verify the deployment container image
# On deployment host
$ docker images
What to do next
Start the Kubernetes cluster deployment. For information, see
Kubernetes Installation Procedure