The AppSettings:AppName section of the configuration file contains parameters that you use to add settings that are specific to an application.

AppName is the actual name of the subdirectory that contains the application installer. These parameters can be added to each AppSettings section. In most circumstances, you will not need to configure this section.


Specify how ThinApp Converter should start the application installer. If there is no value, ThinApp Converter attempts to select one installation command using the logic described in ThinApp Converter Logic for Detecting the Application Installation Processes.


The Package.ini override file that is applied to a single application installer. When this parameter has a value, the global override file is processed first, followed by this application‐specific override file.

The file path is relative to the application installer subdirectory. Using the example at the bottom of this section, if you specify PackageIniOverrideFile=override.ini, ThinApp Converter will try to find the file under \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\Adobe. You can provide a more explicit value by using predefined variables. For more information, see “Predefined Environment Variables” on page 31.


Specify the project post processing command for the specific application.

When this parameter has a value, the global override file is processed first, followed by this application‐specific post processing command.

Applying an application-specific override during post processing

This example shows how to apply an application‐specific override during post processing.

InstallationCommand=AdbeRdr920_en_US.exe /sAll