The Setup Capture wizard begins the capture process by scanning the system to assess the environment and create a baseline system image.


Close any applications, such as virus scans, that might change the file system during the capture process.


  1. Download the application to capture and copy it to the clean computer on which you are going to run the capture process.
    For example, download Firefox Setup and copy it to the clean computer.
  2. From the desktop, select Start > Programs > VMware > ThinApp Setup Capture.
    The ThinApp Setup Capture wizard appears.
  3. Click Next.
    The Ready to Prescan window appears.
  4. (Optional) Click Advanced Scan Locations to select the drives and registry hives to scan.
    You might want to scan a location other than the C:\ drive if you install applications to a different drive.
  5. Click Prescan to establish a baseline system image of the hard drive and registry files.

What to do next

Install the application to virtualize and rescan the system.

Install the application to virtualize and rescan the system.