The UpgradePath parameter specifies the location of information and files for Application Sync and side‐by‐side integer updates.

The default UpgradePath location is the same directory as that in which the application executable file is located on the local machine.

The Application Sync utility accumulates log and cache files and constructs the updated executable file in the UpgradePath location.

Side‐by‐side integer updating looks for updated versions of the application in the UpgradePath location.

Specifying an Alternative Location for Storing Side-by-side Updates

When the default location, such as a USB device, has limited space, or to isolate upgrades from the application executable file, you can modify the UpgradePath parameter to specify an alternative location for storage of side-by-side updates.

The parameter can include environment variables in the path, but does not support folder macros.

UpgradePath=C:\Program Files\<my_app_upgrades>