These sample commands can be used with the snapshot.exe utility.

The parameters are not case-sensitive.

The commands are wrapped in the Command column because of space constraints.

Table 1. snapshot.exe Sample Commands
Command Description
snapshot C:\Capture.snapshot Captures a complete snapshot of local drives and registry to the file C:\Capture.snapshot.
snapshot C:\Capture.snapshot C:\ E:\ Captures a complete snapshot of the C:\ and E:\ drives. ThinApp does not capture registry information.
snapshot C:\Capture.snapshot C:\data.snapshot C:\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Captures a complete snapshot of the C:\ drive and all of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry subtree.
snapshot C:\Original.snapshot -Diff C:\NewEnvironment.snapshot C:\MyProject Generates a ThinApp project directory by comparing two snapshots.
snapshot Original.snapshot -DiffPrint NewEnvironment.snapshot Displays differences between two captured snapshots.
snapshot C:\data.snapshot C:\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Saves the state of the computer file system and registry.
snapshot C:\start.snapshot -diffprint C:\end.snapshot Compares two recorded states.
snapshot C:\start.snapshot -print Prints the contents of a saved state.
snapshot C:\start.snapshot -SuggestProject C:\end.snapshot C:\project.ini Generates a ThinApp project by comparing two saved states.