You can use the snapshot.exe utility from the command line instead of using the Setup Capture wizard that runs the snapshot.exe utility in the background.

The command-line utility is useful for packaging a large number of applications or automate ThinApp project creation. The typical location of the snapshot.exe utility is C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\snapshot.exe.

The snapshot process makes a copy of the all registry entries on the system and file system metadata. File system metadata includes path, filename, attribute, size, and time stamp information but excludes actual file data.


  1. At the command line, runsnapshot.exe without adding any parameters.
    The help menu for the snapshot.exe utility appears.
  2. Use the commands in the menu to create the ThinApp project.
  3. (Optional) Delete the C:\Start.snapshot, C:\End.snapshot, and C:\Template.ini temporary files.
  4. (Optional) To generate multiple projects with different configurations, reuse the original file and repeat the procedure.