You can capture Google Chrome using the ThinApp Setup Capture wizard.

Currently, Google Chrome is supported in a no sandbox mode and to run Google Chrome after capture, following command line options --js-flags="--no-freeze-flags-after-init", --no-sandbox, and --test-type are required.


  1. On a clean Windows 10 virtual machine, download the desired (32-bit or 64-bit) Google Chrome version.
  2. Install ThinApp on this virtual machine.
  3. Create a system image using the Prescan process of the Setup Capture wizard.
  4. Install Google Chrome.
  5. (Optional) Configure the browser by opening the newly installed native Google Chrome.
  6. Rescan the system using the Postscan process of the Setup Capture wizard.
  7. Configure the project and package in the subsequent Setup Capture windows.
    1. In the package.ini file, modify the following:
      • In the BuildOptions section, add DisableWriteDAC=1, ExternalCOMObjects={9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39};{682159d9-c321-47ca-b3f1-30e36b2ec8b9};{9aa46009-3ce0-458a-a354-715610a075e6}, ExternalDLLs=d3d12.dll, and ManageHeapLocks=1.
      • In the Google Chrome.exe entry point section, below the Source key, create a CommandLine key. The value of this key must be as follows: <chrome.exe path as per the Source key> --js-flags="--no-freeze-flags-after-init" --no-sandbox --test-type.
        The following code blocks are examples for the Google Chrome entry points in the package.ini file:
        • For 64-bit Google Chrome
          [Google Chrome.exe]
          CommandLine=%ProgramFilesDir(x64)%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --js-flags="--no-freeze-flags-after-init" --no-sandbox --test-type
        • For 32-bit Google Chrome
          [Google Chrome.exe]
          CommandLine=%ProgramFilesDir%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --js-flags="--no-freeze-flags-after-init" --no-sandbox --test-type

      For more information about the package parameters, see the VMware ThinApp Package.ini Parameters Reference Guide at VMware Docs.