You can copy a new version of a virtual application into an existing deployment directory, using an incremented version number in the filename extension, such as .1 or .2.

Each time that you update the virtual application package, increment the file extension number.


The application needs to be running


  • Copy the updated version of the virtual application <your_app.exe> to the central share at \\<server>\<share>\<your_app>.1.
    You do not have to update shortcuts.


If you are a new user, when you open the application, ThinApp starts the application with the new package data in <your_app>.1.

If you are a user working with the original version at the time the update is posted, after you exit and restart the application, the new package data in <your_app>.1 opens.

Example: Updating a Running Application

This update procedure example uses Firefox as a sample application.

  1. Prepare the environment in which a virtual Firefox package is deployed that requires updating.
    1. Deploy a version of a virtual application such as Firefox.exe and copy it to a central share at C:\Program Files\Firefox\Firefox.exe.
    2. Deploy a version of a virtual application such as Firefox.exe and copy it to a central share at C:\Program Files\Firefox\Firefox.exe.
    3. Create a desktop or Start menu shortcut to the user’s desktop that points to the shared executable file location at \\<server>\<share>\Firefox.exe
  2. Open the application on two users' computers so that the application locks.
  3. Copy an updated version of Firefox.exe to the central share at C:\Program Files\Firefox\Firefox.1.
  4. Open the application on a new user's computer.

    ThinApp starts the application using the new package data in Firefox.1. The users who are already using the virtual application continue to see the original version.

  5. Close the application on the original two users' computers, then reopen it.

    The original application package is unlocked. The new version of the application opens on these two users' computers.