The values for PackageIniOverrideFile (global and per application), ProjectPostProcessingCommand (global and per application), and InstallationCommand can contain environment variables. ThinApp Converter expands the value before using it.

ThinApp Converter adds these variables as predefined environment variables:

  • %AppInstallersRootDir% ‐ The UNC path of the application installers that is specified in InputUncPath in the [Settings] section.

  • %AppInstallerDir% ‐ The subdirectory under %AppInstallersRootDir% for the relevant application.

  • %ThinAppProjectsRootDir% ‐ The UNC path for the generated ThinApp projects that is specified in OutputUncPath in the [Settings] section.

  • %ThinAppProjectDir% ‐ The subdirectory under %ThinAppProjectsRootDir% for the relevant application.

Using predefined variables in the PackageIniOverrideFile

This example shows how predefined variables can be used in the PackageIniOverrideFile, ProjectPostProcessingCommand, and InstallationCommand paramenters.

;will resolve to \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\AppSyncSettings.ini
InstallationCommand=AdbeRdr920_en_US.exe /sAll
;will resolve to \\AppInstallerServer\AppInstaller\Adobe\AppSyncSettings.ini