ThinApp cannot convert some applications into virtual applications, and might block certain application functions.
You cannot use ThinApp to virtualize certain application types, including antivirus applications, scanner and printer drivers, DCOM services on a network share, and others.
You must use traditional installation technologies to deploy the following application types:
Applications that do not natively support the deployment operating system.
If an operating system does not support the native installation of an application, ThinApp does not support that operating system ias a deployment platform for that application.
Applications that require the installation of kernel-mode device drivers.
ODBC drivers, because they are user-mode drivers.
Antivirus and personal firewalls.
Scanner drivers and printer drivers.
Some VPN clients.
Applications That Require Device Drivers
Applications that require device drivers do not work when packaged with ThinApp. You must install those device drivers in their original format on the host computer. Because ThinApp does not support virtualized device drivers, you cannot use ThinApp to virtualize antivirus, VPN clients, personal firewalls, and disk and volume mounting-related utilities.
If you capture Adobe Acrobat, you can modify and save PDF files, but you cannot use the PDF printer driver to save documents to PDF format.
Shell Integration Applications
Some applications that provide shell integration have reduced capability when they exist in a ThinApp package. For example, a virtual application that integrates with Windows Explorer cannot add specific entries to the Windows Explorer context menus.
DCOM Services That Are Accessible on a Network
ThinApp isolates COM and DCOM services. Applications that install DCOM services are accessible on the local computer only by other captured applications running in the same ThinApp sandbox. ThinApp supports virtual DCOM and COM on the same computer, but does not support network DCOM.
Applications That Require Global Hook Dynamic Link Libraries
Some applications use the SetWindowsHookEx API function to add a DLL file to all processes on the host computer. The DLL intercepts Windows messages to capture keyboard and mouse input from other applications. ThinApp ignores requests from applications that use the SetWindowsHookEx function to try to install global hook DLLs. ThinApp might reduce the application capability.
Support for Messaging Application Programming Interface
ThinApp 5.1 or later supports the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) feature on the following Microsft Windows platforms:
Windows 7
Windows 8 32-bit
Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Application Types That ThinApp Does Not Support
ThinApp cannot virtualize the following application types:
16-bit applications running on 16-bit DOS or Windows platforms
16-bit applications running on 64-bit Windows platforms
32-bit applications running on 16-bit DOS or Windows platforms
64-bit applications running on 16-bit DOS or Windows platforms
64-bit applications running on 32-bit Windows platforms