The WorkingDirectory parameter determines the first location in which an application looks for files or places files.

ThinApp does not include this parameter by default in the Package.ini file because Thinapp assumes the working directory is the directory where the executable file resides. The typical location in a ThinApp environment is on the desktop of the deployment machine.

You can set the working directory for individual applications. The working directory can exist in the virtual file system, the sandbox, or the physical system depending on the isolation mode setting. You can use folder macros for the pathname conventions.

The WorkingDirectory parameter sets the initial value of the working directory but the directory is dynamic as you navigate to other locations.

Modifying the WorkingDirectory Parameter value

If you have an application on a USB drive, you can modify the WorkingDirectory value from the default USB location to the My Documents directory on the desktop.


The location of the My Documents directory depends on the isolation mode setting. To map the working directory to the My Documents directory on the physical system, use the Merged isolation mode setting. To map the working directory to the sandbox on the local machine, use the WriteCopy or Full isolation mode setting.