The BlockSize parameter controls the size of compression blocks only when ThinApp compresses files for a build.
A larger block size can achieve higher compression. Larger block sizes might slow the performance because of the following reasons:
- The build process slows down with larger block sizes.
- The startup time and read operations for applications slow down with large block sizes.
- More memory is required at runtime when you use larger block sizes.
You can specify the BlockSize parameter in the Package.ini file and in the ##Attributes.ini file. You can
use different block sizes for different directories within a single project.
Increasing the Size of a Block
You can increase the 64KB default size of the BlockSize parameter to a supported block size of 128KB, 256KB, 512KB, or 1MB. You can add k after the number to indicate kilobytes or m to indicate megabytes.
[Compression] BlockSize=128k