The Source parameter specifies the executable file that ThinApp loads when you use a shortcut executable file. The parameter provides the path to the executable file in the virtual or physical file system.

ThinApp specifies the source for each executable file. If an application suite has three user entry points, such as Winword.exe, Powerpnt.exe, and Excel.exe, the Package.ini file lists three application entries. Each entry has a unique source entry.

If ThinApp cannot find the source executable file in the virtual file system, ThinApp searches the physical file system. For example, if you use native Internet Explorer from the virtual environment, ThinApp loads the source executable file from the physical file system.

The Source and the /bin directory in the project are not related to each other. The /bin directory stores the generated executable file and the Source path points to the installed executable file stored in the read‐only virtual file system.

Note: Do not modify the Source path. The capture process determines the path based on where the application installer places the executable file in the physical file system of the capture machine. ThinApp creates a virtual file system path based on the physical file system path.

Pointing to an Entry Point using the Source Parameter

The Source parameter can point to an entry point in C:\Program Files\<base_app>\<app>.exe.
