The CommandLine parameter specifies the command‐line arguments that start a shortcut executable file. While the Source parameter specifies the path to the shortcut executable file, the CommandLine parameter specifies the file with the required options or parameters to start it.

If the Start menu shortcut for the application has command‐line options, the capture process sets the initial value of the CommandLine parameter based on those options. In rare troubleshooting cases with technical support, you might alter this parameter. The options and parameters follow the base application name. Depending on the application, use / or - before the option or parameter. Use folder macros for the pathname conventions.

Modifying a CommandLine Parameter

You can modify the AnsiCodePage parameter with an entry based on the C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe -safe-mode Start menu shortcut.

CommandLine="C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode Command‐line arguments can use the /<option> <parameter>format.

CommandLine="%ProgramFilesDir%\<base_app>\<app>.exe" /<option> <parameter>