You can deploy the same ThinApp package using either the centralized or decentralized mode.

With ThinApp, you can use an environment variable to set a different Sandbox location dynamically. You do not need to change any parameters for a particular deployment mode.

With centralized mode you can administer and update application packages more efficiently because they are stored in a central file share. No disk space is used on the individual desktop because the application package is streamed to users. You can create desktop shortcuts and automate registration such as shortcuts and file type associations by using the thinreg.exe utility in the login script. This mode does not require distribution of a large application package over the network.

With decentralized mode, the application package data is stored in a compressed state, reducing the disk footprint. The embedded ThinApp runtime in each application package is only about 600KB. Decentralized mode does not require network connectivity. You can use existing third-party software deployment solutions (SDSs) or Active Directory to distribute to user devices.