The Shortcutparameter points a shortcut executable file to the primary data container that contains the virtual file system and virtual registry. You can distinguish a primary data container from other entry points in the Package.ini file because the primary data container contains the ReadOnlyDataentry and the other entry points contain the Shortcut entry.

To ensure that the application can start, the shortcut executable file must reside in the directory that stores the primary data container file. For information about the primary data container, see ReadOnlyData Parameter
Note: Do not modify the value of the Shortcut parameter. ThinApp detects the primary data container during the capture process.

Pointing to an Executable File of an Application

ThinApp can point the shortcut executable file AcroRd32.exe to the Adobe Reader 8.exe parameter, which is the primary data container.

Shortcut=Adobe Reader 8.exe
Source=%ProgramFilesDir%\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
ThinApp can point Microsoft Office Word 2007.exe, the shortcut executable file, to Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007.dat, the primary data container file.
[Microsoft Office Word 2007.exe]
Source=%ProgramFilesDir%\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE
Shortcut=Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007.dat