The appInfo plugin collects the information about running applications inside the guest and publishes the information to a guest variable. For each application running inside the guest, the name and version information is captured and published by the plugin. This application information is collected by default.
- Retrieving the data: The data collected by appInfo plugin is retrieved as follows:
- From inside the guest
Linux guest
- vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.appInfo"
- vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.appInfo"
Windows guest
- rpctool.exe "info-get guestinfo.appInfo"
- Changing the poll-interval: The appInfo plugin captures the information in every 30 minutes by default.
Note: The default value is changed to '6 hours' in VMware Tools 11.1.0.
Guest admin can configure this poll-interval at anytime as follows:
- Disabling the appInfo plugin: Guest admin can disable the appInfo plugin as follows:
- Linux guest
vmware-toolbox-cmd config set appInfo disabled true or
vmware-toolbox-cmd config set appinfo poll-interval 0
- Windows guest
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set appInfo disabled true or
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set appInfo poll-interval 0