In ESXi 7.0 Update 1, a new plugin is added in the ESXCLI under 'vm' namespace to enable or disable appinfo feature at the host level. By default, this feature is enabled at the ESXi host.

This plugin provides two command options at host level:


Install ESXi version 7.0 Update 1 to use this feature.


  • get option: Queries the configstore and returns the current state of the appinfo feature.

    esxcli vm appinfo get

  • set option: Updates the configstore and instantly notifies all the running virtual machines that the feature state is modified.
    • Enabling the appinfo feature at host:

      esxcli vm appinfo set --enabled true

      --enabled is a mandatory option for set command.

      Valid values for enabling the appinfo feature are: "1", "yes", "y", "true", "True", "t", "T"

    • Disabling the appinfo feature at host:

      esxcli vm appinfo set --enabled false

      --enabled is a mandatory option for set command.

      Valid values for enabling the appinfo feature are: "0", "no", "n", "false", "False", "f", "F"

    Note: This plugin can also be invoked by:
    1. Using a PowerCLI script to enable or disable the appinfo feature at the host, cluster, and datacenter levels. For details on its usage with examples, refer to KB 81033.
    2. Using /bin/localcli utility on ESXi host. However, /bin/localcli can only be invoked locally and cannot be invoked remotely.