You can view information about host time and CPU speed. For virtual machines hosted in a vSphere environment, you can view additional information about memory and CPU reservations and limits.



  1. Open a command prompt or terminal in the guest operating system.
  2. Change to the VMware Tools installation directory.
    Operating System Default Path
    Windows C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools
    Linux and Solaris /usr/sbin
    FreeBSD /usr/local/sbin
    Mac OS X /Library/Application Support/VMware Tools
  3. Type the command to display the status information.
    utility-name stat subcommand
    Option Action
    utility-name (On Windows) Use VMwareToolboxCmd.exe.
    utility-name (On Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD) Use vmware-toolbox-cmd.
    utility-name (On Mac OS X) Use vmware-tools-cli.
    subcommand Use hosttime or, speed, one of the subcommands available for virtual machines hosted in a vSphere environment.