To redistribute routes to the Tier-0 gateway and to provide routing between tenant workloads in VMware Cloud Foundation, create and configure the Tier-1 gateway.

Tier-1 gateways have downlink ports to connect to NSX-T segments and uplink ports to connect to NSX-T Tier-0 gateways.


  1. In a Web browser, log in to the user interface of NSX-T Manager.
    Setting Value
    URL https://sfo01wnsx01.sfo01.rainpole.local
    User name admin
    Password nsx_admin_password
  2. On the main navigation bar, click Networking.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Tier-1 gateways.
  4. Create the Tier-1 gateway.
    1. On the Tier-1 gateways page, click Add Tier-1 Gateway.
    2. Enter the values.
      Setting Value
      Name sfo01-w-tier1-01
      Linked Tier-0 Gateway sfo01-w-tier0-01
      Failover Non Preemptive
      Edge Cluster sfo-w-edge-cluster01
    3. In the Edges section, click Set.
    4. In the Select edges dialog box, click Add edge.
    5. Add the sfo01wesg01 and sfo02wesg01 edge nodes.
    6. Ensure that sfo01wesg01 is the first edge in the sequence and click Apply.
    7. On the Tier-1 gateways page, click Save.
  5. Expand Route Advertisement, enable all route advertisement types, and click Save.
  6. On the Tier-1 gateways page, click Close editing.