In VMware Cloud Foundation, after you deploy the NSX-T Edge appliances in the NSX-T workload domain cluster, to connect them to the NSX-T Manager cluster, join them to the management plane.

Table 1. NSX Edge Nodes
Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
Name sfo01wesg01 sfo01wesg02 sfo02wesg01 sfo02wesg02
Primary IP Address


  1. In a Web browser, log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Client.
    Setting Value
    URL https://sfo01m01vc01.sfo01.rainpole.local/ui
    User name [email protected]
    Password vsphere_admin_password
  2. In the VMs and templates inventory, expand the sfo01m01vc01.sfo01.rainpole.local tree and expand the sfo01-m01dc data center.
  3. Expand the sfo01-m01fd-nsx folder.
  4. Start the Secure Shell (SSH) service on the first NSX-T Manager node.
    1. In in the inventory tree, select the sfo01wnsx01a appliance and click Launch Remote Console.
    2. Log in by using the following credentials.
      Setting Value
      User name admin
      Password nsx_admin_password
    3. In the remote console window, run the following command.
      start service ssh
  5. Log in to the first NSX-T Manager node by using an SSH client.
    Setting Value
    FQDN sfo01wnsx01a.sfo01.rainpole.local
    User name admin
    Password nsx_admin_password
  6. Save the thumbprint ID of the certificate for the NSX-T Manager cluster by running and copying the output from the following command.
    get certificate cluster thumbprint
  7. In the remote console to the NSX-T Manager, stop the SSH service by running the following command.
    stop service ssh
  8. Log in to the first NSX-T Edge node by using an SSH client.
    Setting Value
    FQDN sfo01wesg01.sfo01.rainpole.local
    User name admin
    Password edge_admin_password
  9. Join the NSX-T Edge node to the management plane by running the following command.
    join management-plane sfo01wnsx01.sfo01.rainpole.local thumbprint thumbprint_id username admin
  10. Enter the password for the admin account.
  11. Repeat Step 8 to Step 10 for the remaining NSX-T Edge appliances.