After you deploy the NSX-T Edge nodes and join them to the management plane in VMware Cloud Foundation, add them to the transport zones for uplink and overlay traffic, and configure the N-VDS switches on each edge node.

You repeat this procedure to configure all four NSX-T edge transport nodes.
Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
Management IP address
Transport zones
  • overlay-tz-UUID
  • sfo01-w-uplink01
  • sfo01-w-uplink02
  • overlay-tz-UUID
  • sfo01-w-uplink01
  • sfo01-w-uplink02
  • overlay-tz-UUID
  • sfo01-w-uplink01
  • sfo01-w-uplink02
  • overlay-tz-UUID
  • sfo01-w-uplink01
  • sfo01-w-uplink02
N-VDS 3 3 3 3


  1. In a Web browser, log in to the user interface of NSX-T Manager.
    Setting Value
    URL https://sfo01wnsx01.sfo01.rainpole.local
    User name admin
    Password nsx_admin_password
  2. On the main navigation bar, click System.
  3. In the navigation pane, select Fabric > Nodes.
  4. Click the Edge Transport Nodes tab.
  5. Select the check box for the sfo01wesg01 edge node and, under Configuration Status, click Configure NSX.
  6. In the Edit Edge Transport Node - sfo01wesg01 dialog box, click the General tab.
  7. In the Transport zones section, move the transport zones to the Selected list and click Add.
    Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
    Transport Zones sfo01-w-uplink01 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink01 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink01 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink01 s(VLAN)
    sfo01-w-uplink02 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink02 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink02 (VLAN) sfo01-w-uplink02 (VLAN)
    overlay-tz-UUID (Overlay) overlay-tz-UUID (Overlay) overlay-tz-UUID (Overlay) overlay-tz-UUID (Overlay)
  8. In the Edit Edge Transport Node - sfo01wesg01 dialog box, click the N-VDS tab to create three N-VDS instances - one for overlay traffic and two for uplink traffic.
  9. In the New node switch, configure the settings.
    Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
    Edge Switch Name nvds-UUID nvds-UUID nvds-UUID nvds-UUID
    Uplink Profile sfo01-w-overlay-profile sfo01-w-overlay-profile sfo02-w-overlay-profile sfo02-w-overlay-profile
    IP Assignment Use Static IP List Use Static IP List Use Static IP List Use Static IP List
    Static IP List
    Subnet Mask
    Virtual NICs uplink-1 fp-eth0 uplink-1 fp-eth0 uplink-1 fp-eth0 uplink-1 fp-eth1
  10. Click Add N-VDS, in the New node switch section configure the settings for the Uplink-1 transport nodes.
    Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
    Edge Switch Name sfo01-w-uplink01 sfo01-w-uplink01 sfo01-w-uplink01 sfo01-w-uplink01
    Uplink Profile sfo01-w-uplink01-profile sfo01-w-uplink01-profile sfo02-w-uplink01-profile sfo02-w-uplink01-profile
    IP Assignment - - - -
    Virtual NICs uplink-1 fp-eth1 uplink-1 fp-eth1 uplink-1 fp-eth1 uplink-1 fp-eth1
  11. Click Add N-VDS, in the New node switch section configure the settings for the Uplink-2 transport nodes, and click Save.
    Setting Value for sfo01wesg01 Value for sfo01wesg02 Value for sfo02wesg01 Value for sfo02wesg02
    Edge Switch Name sfo01-w-uplink02 sfo01-w-uplink02 sfo01-w-uplink01 sfo01-w-uplink01
    Uplink Profile sfo01-w-uplink02-profile sfo01-w-uplink02-profile sfo02-w-uplink02-profile sfo02-w-uplink02-profile
    IP Assignment - - - -
    Virtual NICs uplink-1 fp-eth2 uplink-1 fp-eth2 uplink-1 fp-eth2 uplink-1 fp-eth2
  12. Repeat this procedure to configure the other NSX-T Edge nodes.