To keep the cross-region Workspace ONE Access cluster nodes synchronized with the other SDDC components, configure the time synchronization on each node in the cross-region Workspace ONE Access cluster.

Table 1. Cross-Region Workspace ONE Access Cluster Nodes and NTP Servers


NTP Servers






  1. Log in to the cross-region Workspace ONE Access instance by using a Secure Shell (SSH) client.
    Setting Value
    FQDN wsa01svr01a.rainpole.local
    User name sshuser
    Password wsa01svr01_sshuser_password
  2. Configure the NTP source of the Workspace ONE Access appliance.
    1. Switch to the super user.
    2. Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file.
      vi /etc/ntp.conf
    3. Edit the server entries and enter :wq! to save the file.
      server ntp.sfo01.rainpole.local
  3. Enable the NTP service.
    1. To disable time synchronization with the ESXi host, run the command.
      vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync disable
    2. To enable and start the NTP service, run the commands.
      chkconfig ntp on
      service ntp start
    3. To verify the status of the NTP service, run the command.
      service ntp status
  4. Repeat this procedure to configure the NTP service on the wsa01svr01b.rainpole.local and wsa01svr01c.rainpole.local nodes.