To add dashboards to vRealize Log Insight for viewing log details on the NSX-T Data Center operation, install the NSX-T content pack.


  1. In a Web browser, log in to vRealize Log Insight by using the user interface.
    Setting Value
    URL https://sfo01vrli01.sfo01.rainpole.local
    User name admin
    Password vrli_admin_password
  2. In the vRealize Log Insight user interface, click Content packs .
  3. In the left pane, under Content pack marketplace, click Marketplace.
  4. On the Log Insight content pack marketplace page, locate and click the VMware - NSX-T content pack to start the installation.

    The Install content pack dialog box appears.

  5. Accept the license agreement and click Install.
  6. To proceed with installation, click OK .

    When the installation finishes, the newly installed content pack appears in the left navigation pane, under Installed content packs.