Installation of the Kerberos Auth service, a component of the Workspace ONE Access connector, fails with the error message Failed to run KerberosAuthService as DOMAIN\username if the domain user account password contains unsupported characters. Use this information to resolve the issue.

When you install the Kerberos Auth service, you enter the domain user acccount to use to run the service. The Kerberos Auth service only supports the following special characters in the domain user account password:


If the password contains any other special characters, the Kerberos Auth service installation fails and you get the following error message:

Failed to run KerberosAuthService as DOMAIN\username. Please run the service as the selected user manually after the installation.

To resolve this issue, run the setupKerberos.bat script. The script supports the following special characters in the domain user account password:

  1. On the connector Windows server, go to the InstallDir\Workspace_ONE_Access\Support\scripts directory.
  2. Right-click setupkerberos.bat and select Run as administrator.
  3. Enter the domain user account and password that contains only supported special characters.

    A confirmation message appears after the script has run successfully.

  4. Start, or restart, the VMware Kerberos Auth Service.