You can create a log bundle of Workspace ONE Access connector logs, which can be easily transferred to another machine or sent to support.

You can gather log bundles for one or all the enterprise services associated with the connector instance by running the scripts provided.


  1. Log in to the Windows server in which the Workspace ONE Access enterprise service is installed.
  2. Navigate to the INSTALL_DIR\Workspace ONE Access\Support\scripts folder.
  3. Run the script based on the log bundle you want to collect.
    Script Name Description
    gatherUserAuthServiceLogs.bat Collects all the log files for the User Auth service in a log bundle
    gatherDirectorySyncServiceLogs.bat Collects all the log files for the Directory Sync service in a log bundle
    gatherKerberosAuthServiceLogs.bat Collects all the log files for the Kerberos Auth service in a log bundle
    gatherLogs.bat Collects log files for all the enterprise services in a log bundle
  4. Go to the folder listed in the script output to view the log bundle.


A zip file named is created in the INSTALL_DIR\Workspace ONE Access folder.