The Workspace ONE Access connector installer accepts the following properties in silent mode. You can specify the properties in an XML file or enter them directly on the command line.


Property Value Description
ADDLOCAL UserAuthService



The enterprise services to install. To specify multiple services, use a comma-separated list. For example:"UserAuthService,DirectorySyncService"
INSTALLDIR directoryPath The installation directory to use

Default value: C:\VMware\Silent

TARGETDIR directoryPath The installation directory to use. Enter the same value as INSTALLDIR.

Default value: C:\VMware\Silent

WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PATH configFilepath The path to the configuration file that you downloaded from the Workspace ONE Access console. The default name of the file is es-config.json.

Default value: C:\Installer\es-config.json (the directory that contains the installer)

Also specify the file’s password on the command line with WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PASSWORD.

WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PASSWORD configFilePassword The password for WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.

Do not add WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PASSWORD to the XML file, specify it on the command line as WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PASSWORD=password.

WS1_IS_PROXY_ENABLED 1 (use proxy)

0 (no proxy)

To use a proxy server, set the value to 1. Also specify WS1_PROXY_HOSTNAME and WS1_PROXY_PORT.

Default value: 0

WS1_PROXY_HOSTNAME proxyserverFQDNorIP Proxy server hostname (FQDN) or IP address
WS1_PROXY_PORT proxyserverPort Proxy server port
WS1_IS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATED 2 (Basic, that is, authenticated)

1 (Anonymous, that is, no authentication)

Set the value to 2 if the proxy server requires authentication. Also specify WS1_PROXY_USERNAME.

Default value: 1

WS1_PROXY_USERNAME proxyusername Proxy server user name. Also specify the proxy server password on the command line with WS1_PROXY_PASSWORD
WS1_PROXY_PASSWORD proxypassword Proxy server password. Do not add WS1_PROXY_PASSWORD to the XML file, specify it on the command line as WS1_PROXY_PASSWORD=password.
WS1_NON_PROXY_HOSTS host1|host2 FQDN or IP address of non-proxy hosts that should be reached directly without going through the proxy server. To specify multiple non proxy hosts, use the delimiter |.
WS1_IS_SYSLOG_ENABLED 1 (use syslog)

0 (no syslog)

To use a syslog server, set the value to 1. Also specify WS1_SYSLOG_HOSTNAME and WS1_SYSLOG_PORT.

Default value: 0

WS1_SYSLOG_HOSTNAME sysloghostname Syslog server FQDN or IP address
WS1_SYSLOG_PORT syslogport Syslog server port
WS1_TRUSTSTORE_CERTS_PATH truststoreCertificatesFolder The path to the folder that contains certificates to upload to the truststore on the connector server. The certficate can also be uploaded later, after installation.

(On premises installations) If your on-premises Workspace ONE Access service instance has a self-signed certificate, upload its root, and, if required, intermediate certificate to the truststore.

WS1_USER_AUTH_PORT portnumber Port for User Auth service

Default value: 8090

WS1_DIRECTORY_SYNC_PORT portnumber Port for Directory Sync service

Default value: 8080

WS1_KERBEROS_AUTH_PORT portnumber Port for Kerberos Auth service

Default value: 443

WS1_ADD_SSL_CERT 0 (self-signed certificate)

1 (SSL certificate)

Specify 1 to upload a signed SSL certificate, if required. A signed SSL certificate is required for the Kerberos Auth service. If you specify 0, a self-signed certificate is auto-generated.

Default value: 0



The path to the SSL certificate. The certificate file can be in PEM or PFX format. If the value is a PEM file, also specify WS1_PRIVATE_KEY. If the file is a PFX file, specify its password on the command line with WS1_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD.
WS1_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD certificatePassword Required if the value of WS1_SSL_CERT is a PFX file. Do not add WS1_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD to the XML file, specify it on the command line as WS1_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD=password.


The path to the PEM key file. Required if the value of WS1_SSL_CERT is a PEM file.
IS_NET_API_LOGON_USERNAME DOMAIN\username The domain user account to use to run the Kerberos Auth service. Use the format DOMAIN\username. Also specify the password on the command-line with IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD=password.
IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD domainUserPassword The domain user account password. Do not add IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD to the XML file, specify it on the command line as IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD =password.
Important: The Kerberos Auth service only supports the following special characters in the domain user account password: @!*. If the password contains any other special characters, Kerberos Auth service installation fails.


Use the following format to specify installation properties on the command line:


For example:




Use the following format to specify installation properties in an XML file:

<property name="propertyname" value="propertyvalue" />

For example:

<property name="WS1_IS_PROXY_ENABLED" value="1" />


<property name="ADDLOCAL" value="UserAuthService,DirectorySyncService" />