The User Engagement Dashboard displays information about users and resources. You can see who is signed in, which applications are being used, and how often the applications are being accessed. You can create reports to track users and group activities and resources usage.

The time that displays on the User Engagement Dashboard is based on the time zone set for the browser. The dashboard updates every one minute.


  • The header displays the number of unique users that logged in on that day and displays a timeline that shows the number of daily login events over a seven-day period. The Users Logged in Today number is surrounded by a circle that displays the percentage of users that is signed in. The Logins sliding graph displays login events during the week. Point to one of the points in the graph to see the number of logins on that day.
  • The Users and Groups section shows the number of user accounts and groups set up in Workspace ONE Access. The most recent users that logged in are displayed first. You can click See Full Reports to create an Audit Events report that shows the users who logged in over a range of days.
  • The App popularity section displays a bar graph grouped by app type of the number of times that apps were launched over a seven-day period. Point to a specific day to see a tool tip showing which type of apps were being used and how many were launched on that day. The list below the graph displays the number of times the specific apps were launched. Expand the arrow on the right to select to view this information over a day, a week, a month, or 12 weeks. You can click See Full Reports to create a Resource Usage report that shows app, resource type and number of users' activity over a range of time.
  • The App adoption section displays a bar graph that shows the percentage of people who opened the apps they are entitled to. Point to the app to see the tool tip that shows the actual number of adoptions and entitlements.
  • The Apps launched pie chart displays resources that have been launched as a percentage of the whole. Point to a specific section in the pie chart to see the actual number by type of resources. Expand the arrow on the right to select to view this information over a day, a week, a month or 12 weeks.
  • The Clients section shows the number of desktops being used.