After you create a local directory, you can modify its settings at any time.

You can change the following settings.
  • Change the directory name.
  • Add, delete, or rename domains.
    • Domain names must be unique across all directories in the service.
    • When you change a domain name, the users that were associated with the old domain are associated with the new domain.
    • The directory must have at least one domain.
    • You cannot add a domain to the System Directory or delete the System Domain.
  • Add new user attributes or make an existing attribute required or optional.
    • If the local directory does not have any users yet, you can add new attributes as either optional or required, and change existing attributes to required or optional.
    • If you have already created users in the local directory, you can add new attributes as optional attributes only, and change existing attributes from required to optional. You cannot make an optional attribute required after users have been created.
    • The attributes userName, firstName, lastName, and email are always required for local directories.
    • As user attributes are defined at the global level in the Workspace ONE Access service, any new attributes you add will appear in all directories in the service.
  • Change the order in which attributes appear.


  1. Click the Identity & Access Management tab.
  2. In the Directories page, click the directory you want to edit.
  3. Edit the local directory settings.
    Option Action
    Change the directory name
    1. In the Settings tab, edit the directory name.
    2. Click Save.
    Add, delete, or rename a domain
    1. In the Settings tab, edit the Domains list.
    2. To add a domain, click the green plus icon.
    3. To delete a domain, click the red delete icon.
    4. To rename a domain, edit the domain name in the text box.
    Add user attributes to the directory
    1. Click the Identity & Access Management tab, then click Setup.
    2. Click the User Attributes tab.
    3. Add attributes in the Add other attributes to use list, and click Save.
    Make an attribute required or optional for the directory
    1. In the Identity & Access Management tab, click the Directories tab.
    2. Click the local directory name and click the User Attributes tab.
    3. Select the check box next to an attribute to make it a required attribute, or deselect the check box to make it an optional attribute.
    4. Click Save.
    Change the order of the attributes
    1. In the Identity & Access Management tab, click the Directories tab.
    2. Click the local directory name and click the User Attributes tab.
    3. Click and drag the attributes to the new position.
    4. Click Save.