You can change the Workspace ONE Access service URL, which is the URL that users use to access the service. For example, you might change the URL to a load balancer URL.


  1. Log in to the Workspace ONE Access console.
  2. Select Dashboard > System Diagnostics Dashboard.
  3. Click VA Configuration of the service node you want to configure and log in with the admin user password.
  4. Click Workspace ONE Access FQDN and enter the new URL in the Workspace ONE Access FQDN text box.
    Use the format https://WS1AccessHostnameFQDN:port. Specifying a port is optional. The default port is 443.

    For example,

  5. Click Save.

What to do next

Enable the new portal user interface.
  1. Go to https://WS1AccessHostnameFQDN/admin to access the administration console.
  2. In the administration console, click the arrow on the Catalog tab and select Settings.
  3. Select New End User Portal UI in the left pane and click Enable New Portal UI.